Unani Prescription for Diabetes Treatment (Zayabetus)

Unani and polygenic disorder

Diabetes Mellitus (Zayabetus) is one among the foremost vital life-style connected disorders that's principally widespread in urban areas. polygenic disorder (Zayabetus) is characterised by Excessive thrust, Excessive evacuation, Excessive increase of appetence, and collapse of sexual perform. The sickness is related to Polydypsia (Atash-e-Mufrit) and renal disorder (Kasrat –e-Baul).

In case of polygenic disorder (Zayabetus), level of sugar in blood will increase as a result of lesser production of hypoglycemic agent through exocrine gland.
Symptoms of polygenic disorder (zayabetus)

    Frequent evacuation
    Excessive thrust
    continually feeling of drive
     temporary state and Weakness area unit common
    Weight variation

Causes of zayabetus

    Infaalat-e-Nafsania (psychological function)  e.g. stress, anxiety, strain and tension
    Excessive use of Alcohol
 inactive mode of life-style

Unani drugs for polygenic disorder cure

     Kernel of Jamun Seeds (Syzygium cumini): Jamun seeds area unit terribly useful in dominant sugar and facilitate to ease from Diabetic symptoms. it's a decent question the way to use Jamun Kernel. For this, take regarding 50-70 grams of Jamun Kernel; dry it and create fine powder of a similar. Use the mixture doubly on a daily basis along side water. change of state of Jamun leaves are steered to Diabetic patients.
    Karela Bark, Bitter Gourd/Bitter Melon (Momordica Charantia): Bitter Gourd and health edges area unit terrific. Bitter melon could be a vital vegetable for several diseases. Karela is one among the vital vegetable within the management and bar of polygenic disorder. For the patient stricken by polygenic disorder, it's steered to require Karela juice doubly or thrice on a daily basis. victimization of Karela juice (20 ml) doubly on a daily basis is useful in lowering down of sugar from blood and cure polygenic disorder. Bitter melon has plant insulin-polypeptide-P, a bio-chemicals helpful in reducing glucose. Bitter gourd may also be used as bitter gourd instruction, bitter gourd tea, dishes, curry, and soup.
 Melia Azadirachta for polygenic disorder Cure (Azadirachta indica): Melia Azadirachta is extremely helpful in purifying of blood. For diabetic treatment, tender shoot of Melia Azadirachta is employed. Take fifty grams of tender Melia Azadirachta leaves and grind it in one hundred metric capacity unit of water. Strain the mixture. it's steered that the extract ought to be taken within the morning for higher answer to Zayabetus (diabetes). Melia Azadirachtas are employed in the shape of Neem powder and dentifrice (for sturdy teeth).
    Binola Seeds for polygenic disorder Cure-Cotton seeds (Gossypium herbaceum) cut back glucose as a result of the presence of natural antioxidants Borage oil. to form cotton seed extract, take a pair of gram of cotton seeds. Boil these seeds in one thousand metric capacity unit of water till cut back to 300ml. Strain the mixture and use the extract doubly on a daily basis.
    Falsa Berry and Diabetes: Falsa berry is employed in minimizing the symptoms of polygenic disorder. For preparation of Falsa berry extract, take ten gram of it. Soaked the counseled amount of falsa nightlong in two hundred metric capacity unit of water. Strain it and drink a similar within the morning. it's a helpful extract for diabetic patients.

  •     Bel Leaves and Diabetic Treatment: Grind some amount of Bel (Aegle marmelos) leaves in regarding one hundred metric capacity unit water and strain the mixture. Drink the extract within the morning. Bel leaves are employed in the treatments of high force per unit area, emission issues, ulcer, constipation, piles and stomach upset.
  •     Kalonji Black cumin is additionally employed in diabetic patients.
  •     Qurs Zayabetus
  •     Jawarish Jalinoos
  •     Jawarish Zarooni
  •     Kushta Post baisa Murgh
  •     Kushta Zamarrud

Unani polygenic disorder bar

    Some varieties of regular aerobic exercises area unit required.
    Take your diet as planned your dietary chart.
    Avoid alcohol, smoking and sleeping at the day time
 inactive life-style is harmful.
    Stress, strain, tension, anxiety ought to be avoided.
    Do Yogasana, Pranayama and Meditation
    Avoid fast, junk, non-veg., and sweet foods.
 most well-liked short interval meals.
    Sound sleep of regarding 7-8 hours ought to be taken at the hours of darkness solely.
    Weight maintains ought to incline importance as per sex, age and height.
 offer a lot of weightage to fibrous foods.

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